Welcome to my Lab :)

Hello! This is my little personal website just to have fun and save things on. It is very much still a WIP atm.

Check out the links on the side to navigate the lab :)

Note that this site is not made with mobiles in mind. However, it is fairly simple as I don't have much experience with coding or website making haha.

Additional IDs: The header is an eel-tailed catfish. The background is a repeating cobweb pattern. The Favicon is a flask filled with neon green liquid.

Neon green scribble


Background tile is from sadgrl.online, header is my own, dividers and gifs are from GifCities unless they link to elsewhere. Snails are by SqdPxl. Fonts used are Nunito and Finurlig. Favicon made with favicon.cc

Light green snailLight green snailLight green snail