Artemis (they/it)

Line of trees changing with the seasons.

The Ropeskeeper from my friends and I's Sleepaway game.

They tend to be very distant from both the campers and their fellow counselors, preferring to spend all their time in the Woods. It knows the Woods well and has a strong connection to it.

In general, Artemis will respect others if they respect nature and itself. They're quick to dislike somone if they think that person has caused any unnecessary damage to nature though.

Currently in game the Lindworm appears to be trying to frame them for various deaths. Artemis is not dealing well, especially as this relates to their fear of being viewed as dangerous and uncontrolled.

Extra Facts:

  • foxkin
  • values honesty
  • quiet
  • often tense
  • feels the Woods' pain
  • bit people as a kid (maybe still does)
Sitting fox swishing its tail. Links to DeviantArt source.
Light green snailLight green snailLight green snail