
A black badge with orange writing spelling out 'AI’, using a lambda symbol for the A.
Multiple hand painted patches. The top patch reads ‘mad scientist’, with one half green and the other half purple. Next to 'mad’ is a syringe filled with green liquid on the left. On the right filled with purple liquid is a conical flask and beaker. It is sewn on with green and purple thread. Below that are three patches separating out the words 'young just us’. The writing is yellow and they are sewn on with red thread. Surrounding these are various symbols drawn on the denim with fabric pen. These are Robin’s symbol, Wonder Girl’s symbol, a red lightning bolt for Impulse, the words '98 and an S-shield for Superboy.
A patch with 'ACAB’ written in white. It is sewn on with red thread.
A coloured in Batblob drawn on the denim with fabric pen.
Two hand painted patches. The top one reads ‘always was’ in yellow, above 'always will be’ in red. It is sewn on with red, black and yellow thread. The bottom one reads 'Black lives matter’. It is written in white and sewn on with yellow thread.
A patch that has 'trans rights’ with the trans symbol drawn next to 'trans’. The writing and thread changes between blue, pink and white to mimic the trans flag.
Light green snailLight green snailLight green snail